Monday, November 30, 2009

Imaginary and Complex Numbers: Interview with a

Frank, one of my father's high school best friends, is a mathematician. Currently studying to be an actuary, he lives in upstate New York with his sister. They live surrounded by stacks of paper and own a cat named Finton. I called him up for this math interview!

{I tried again and again to upload the audio, but I think I'm going to have to keep my project as a hard copy-- CD style.}

Here's a little outline for following along:

-Euler’s Equation-- the most often used equation

-Real numbers are a subset of imagionary numbers


z= complex number

a=real number; x axis

b= real number; y axis

i= -1 when squared

“Complex Numbers”

Euler called them “cuaternion” numbers in the 1800s, when they were invented. Real world applications are in currents and more!

complex numbers -------> z=a+bi -------> cuaternion numbers

“complex conjugate”

e = natural log ----> 2.78

Euler’s equation

“revenue functions”

"maximizing things"

Then it all comes back to trig. and the unit circle!

1 comment:

  1. Rae the audio is so funny- i love this- Can you up load it on your blog as a quicktime file? You can upload any .mov file on your blog entry =)
